

                    UCI News: Unlocking the Secrets of Long Hair: New Paper Sheds Light on the Evolution and Importance of Human Scalp Hair
                    The Scientist: Why do Humans Have Long Scalp Hair?
                    Daily Mail: Scientists have uncovered a ‘simple’ way to cure hair loss

  • Superstable lipid vacuoles endow cartilage with its shape and biomechanics
    Ramos R, Pham KT, Prince RC, Leiser-Miller LB, Prasad MS, Wang X, Nordberg RC, Bielajew BJ, Hu JC, Yamaga K, Oh JW, Peng T, Datta R, Astrowskaja A, Almet AA, Burns JT, Liu Y, Guerrero-Juarez CF, Tran BQ, Chu YL, Nguyen AM, Hsi TC, Lim NT, Schoeniger S, Liu R, Pai YL, Vadivel CK, Ingleby S, McKechnie AE, van Breukelen F, Hoehn KL, Rasweiler JJ 4th, Kohara M, Loughry WJ, Weldy SH, Cosper R, Yang CC, Lin SJ, Cooper KL, Santana SE, Bradley JE, Kiebish MA, Digman M, James DE, Merrill AE, Nie Q, Schilling TF, Astrowski AA, Potma EO, García-Castro MI, Athanasiou KA, Behringer RR, Plikus MV#
    Science 2025, 387(6730): eads9960

                    Science, Perspective: A long-ignored skeletal tissue filled with oil
                    UCI News: UC Irvine-led discovery of new skeletal tissue advances regenerative medicine potential
                    Science: Scientists unlock secrets of ear’s origin and construction
                    Nature: Revealed: the fatty cells that are the ‘bubble wrap’ of the body
                    New Scientist: Your ears and nose are made from tissue that looks like bubble wrap
                    WIRED: These Newly Identified Cells Could Change the Face of Plastic Surgery
                    Scientific American: Our Ears Share a Common Ancestry with Fish Gills
                    Smithsonian Magazine: Why Do Mammals Have Outer Ears? Scientists Are Getting Closer to Solving the Mystery
                    Life Science: Scientists discover new kind of cartilage that looks like fat-filled ‘Bubble Wrap’
                    Additional news coverage by Inside Precision Medicine, Orange County Business Journal, SciTech Daily, Futurity


  • Three-dimensional genome architecture persists in a 52,000-year-old woolly mammoth skin samplee
    Sandoval-Velasco M, Dudchenko O, Rodríguez JA, Pérez Estrada C, Dehasque M, Fontsere C, Mak SST, Khan R, Contessoto VG, Oliveira Junior AB, Kalluchi A, Zubillaga Herrera BJ, Jeong J, Roy RP, Christopher I, Weisz D, Omer AD, Batra SS, Shamim MS, Durand NC, O’Connell B, Roca AL, Plikus MV, Kusliy MA, Romanenko SA, Lemskaya NA, Serdyukova NA, Modina SA, Perelman PL, Kizilova EA, Baiborodin SI, Rubtsov NB, Machol G, Rath K, Mahajan R, Kaur P, Gnirke A, Garcia-Treviño I, Coke R, Flanagan JP, Pletch K, Ruiz-Herrera A, Plotnikov V, Pavlov IS, Pavlova NI, Protopopov AV, Di Pierro M, Graphodatsky AS, Lander ES, Rowley MJ, Wolynes PG, Onuchic JN, Dalén L, Marti-Renom MA, Gilbert MTP, Aiden EL
    Cell 2024, 187: 3541-3562
  • Emx2 underlies the development and evolution of marsupial gliding membranes
    Moreno JA*, Dudchenko O*, Feigin CY, Mereby SA, Chen Z, Ramos R, Almet AA, Sen H, Brack BJ, Johnson MR, Li S, Wang W, Gaska JM, Ploss A, Weisz D, Omer AD, Yao W, Colaric Z, Kaur P, Leger J, Nie Q, Mena A, Flanagan JP, Keller G, Sanger T, Ostrow B, Plikus MV, Kvon EZ, Aiden EL#, Mallarino R#
    Nature 2024, s41586-024-07305-3

                    News & Views: Marsupial genomes reveal how a skin membrane for gliding evolved
                    News coverage by Scientific American


                    Commentary: The human skin cell atlas: mapping the organ at unprecedented depth

  • Signalling by senescent melanocytes hyperactivates hair growth
    Wang X, Ramos R, Phan AQ, Yamaga K, Flesher JL, Jiang S, Oh JW, Jin S, Jahid S, Kuan CH, Nguyen TK, Liang HY, Shettigar NU, Hou R, Tran KH, Nguyen A, Vu KN, Phung JL, Ingal JP, Levitt KM, Cao X, Liu Y, Deng Z, Taguchi N, Scarfone VM, Wang G, Paolilli KN, Wang X, Guerrero-Juarez CF, Davis RT, Greenberg EN, Ruiz-Vega R, Vasudeva P, Murad R, Widyastuti LHP, Lee HL, McElwee KJ, Gadeau AP, Lawson DA, Andersen B, Mortazavi A, Yu Z, Nie Q, Kunisada T, Karin M, Tuckermann J, Esko JD, Ganesan AK, Li J, Plikus MV#
    Nature 2023, 618(7966):808-817

                    UCI News: UC Irvine-led researchers reveal new molecular mechanism for stimulating hair growth
                    NIH (NIAMS): Research Into Naturally Occurring Hair Growth in Skin Nevi May Inform New Regenerative Therapies
                    NBC News: Skin moles that grow hair may offer a potential treatment for baldness, a study in mice suggests
                    FOX News: New hair loss treatments may be on the way after major discovery, researchers say
                    Insider: Scientists believe they’ve discovered a cure for baldness. It’s hiding in your hairy moles — and can be injected like Botox
                    New York Post: Cure for baldness might be hiding in your hairy moles, new study finds
                    WIRED: A Hair Loss Study Raises New Questions About Aging Cells
                    The Scientist: Islands of Knowledge: Hairy Skin Moles Make Their Mark
                    New Scientist: Can we finally reverse balding with these new experimental treatments?
                    Fierce Biotech: The culprit behind hairy moles could treat pattern baldness
                    Inverse: Hairy Moles Could Actually Hold the Cure for Baldness
                    WebMD: Hairy Moles May Contain the Cure for Baldness: Study
                    HealthLine: Scientists Investigate Solution to Hair Loss and it Can Be Injected Like Botox
                    Futurity: Discovery may lead to new therapies for hair loss
                    Practical Dermatology: Osteopontin Potently Stimulates Hair Follicle Stem Cells for Robust Hair Growth
                    Additional news coverage by Daily Mail, The Mirror, OC Register, OC Business Journal, Telemundo, Audacy, New Atlas, Medium, Jerusalem Post, Technology Networks, News Medical, Prevention, Drug Discovery News


                    UCI News: UCI-led team discovers signaling molecule that potently stimulates hair growth
                    ABC7: UCI scientists make hair-raising discovery that could prevent baldness
                    ABC7: UCI professor breaks down new study on hair growth
                    NBC Los Angeles: One molecule may be the key to whether or not you lose your hair, UCI study finds
                    Spectrum News TV: UC Irvine scientists discover a possible cure for baldness
                    WOSU Public Media Radio: All Sides with Ann Fisher: Wellness Wednesday
                    TODAY: Cure for baldness? Breakthrough study may pave the way for new treatment
                    WIRED: This Follicle-Hacking Drug Could One Day Treat Baldness
                    Orange County Register: Will baldness soon be a thing of the past?
                    dot.LA: Southern California Grows Roots as Potential Hotspot For Hair Loss Therapies
                    Additional news coverage by Gizmodo, Futuruty, Daily Express, Orange County Business Journal, 7News (Australia)


                    Related commentary: Evolution: How to evolve a thick skin
                    UCI News: How did hippo, whale and dolphin skin adapt to live in water? UCI study reveals evolutionary clues
                    News coverage by American Museum of Natural History, Nature World News,


                    News & Views: MAP-ing a way towards tissue repair
                    News coverage by UCLA Daily Bruin, Futurity, Materials Science News


                    NSF: Scar-free wound-healing? Mathematics is helping make that a reality
                    UCI News: UCI-Led Study Reveals How Blood Cells Help Wounds Heal Scar-Free
                    News coverage by University of California
                    Highlight by National Science Foundation



                    eLife Insight: Tissue Regeneration: Regional differences
                    PEW Analysis: The Mystery of Hair Growth, Untangled
                    UCI News: UCI study sheds light on regulation of hair growth across the entire body
                    News coverage by University of California
                    Related press coverage in New Scientist, Medical News Today, Laboratory Equipment Magazine, Esquire, OC Register, Daily Mirror, Daily Mail, Birmingham Mail

  • Regeneration of fat cells from myofibroblasts during wound healing
    Plikus MV#, Guerrero-Juarez CF, Ito M, Li YR, Dedhia PH, Zheng Y, Shao M, Gay DL, Ramos R, Hsi TC, Oh JW, Wang X, Ramirez A, Konopelski SE, Elzein A, Wang A, Supapannachart RJ, Lee HL, Lim CH, Nace A, Guo A, Treffeisen E, Andl T, Ramirez RN, Murad R, Offermanns S, Metzger D, Chambon P, Widgerow AD, Tuan TL, Mortazavi A, Gupta RK, Hamilton BA, Millar SE, Seale P, Pear WS, Lazar MA, Cotsarelis G#
    Science 2017, 355: 748-752

                     Perspective: Fibroblasts become fat to reduce scarring
                     Perspective: Repeal and replace: adipocyte regeneration in wound repair
                     UCI News: Study reveals natural process for scar-free wound healing
                     Related press coverage in Popular Mechanics, Scientific American, Business Insider, The Times, The Guardian, Daily Mail, Yahoo! Beauty, OC Register, Skin Inc.



                     PLoS Editor’s pick: Stem Cell Research

                     Related commentary: Putting the Human Hair Follicle Cycle on the Map

            UCI News: Skin fat is a newly recognized part of the body’s immune response
           Orange County Register: Skin fat kills bacterial infections



  • Organotypic skin culture
    Oh JW, Hsi TC, Guerrero-Juarez CF, Ramos R, Plikus MV#
    J of Investigative Dermatology 2013, 133: e14

            Allure Magazine: Hair Fallout
            Orange County Register: UCI In Focus: Researchers find timing is key for radiation treatment

2012 and earlier

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